Sample Opine Consulting Projects
Examples of Completed or Ongoing Opine Projects
Email Nurturing and Demand Generation Programs
- Ongoing prospect nurturing program for EVault, A Seagate Company where the "nurturing program cost is a rounding error in comparison to the sales results".
- Implemented nurturing program for Mirage Networks resulting in increased website traffic and leads to sales team.
- Created and ran a nurturing program for start-up MetaLINCS. Inside sales team depending on the regular outbound messaging and resulting prospect feedback to drive sales: "These campaigns definitely do make a difference to the outcome of our efforts". Acquired by EVault, A Seagate Company. Drove tripling in website traffic.
- At KACE Networks, Inc, program resulted in a database of over 100,000 email names with an overall opt-out rate of only 6% and improved sales cycles.
- Monthly newsletters for EVault's customers and partners continue to engage and nurture to drive new business and renewals.
Marketing Automation Expertise
- Rearchitected, designed and implemented Marketo at EVault, A Seagate Company
- Marketo subcontrator to deliver QuickStarts and other consulting services
- Provided expert marketing automation consulting to Accelrys with the merger of Symyx, conversion from Eloqua and deploment of Marketo. Assisted in out of the box design to meet Accelrys needs
- Design and mplementation of marketing automation at KACE Networks
- Marketo rearchitecting and implementation support for Crowd Factory, recently acquired by Marketo
- Nurturing design and implementation services to Vindicia
- Initial design and Marketo implementation for Intelleflex
Closed Loop Lead-to-Sales Process Definition and Implementation
- Created closed loop sales process and implemented in SalesForce for MediaTile, a start-up company. Fully documented process and provided sales training to international sales team. Took into account multi-tiered partner program.
- Implemented closed loop lead process and telemarketing organization for VA Software's SourceForge Enterprise Edition.
- Defined the sales prcess and implementation in Salesforce for the Chamber of Commerce Mountain View. This allowed the to track their prospects and membership in one database.
- Expert services to Vindicia to update their sales process and implemented in Salesforce, including updating from Professional Edition to Enterprise Edition, and Marketo changes to support the changes.
- Updates to support new lead-to-sale process for Crowd Factory ,recently acquired by Marketo.
Market Research Programs
- Implemented yearly customer survey at KACE Networks resulting in over 60% customer response rate. Results used extensively for product planning and market messaging.
- Drove market surveys for multiple companies (confidential) used for product planning, messaging, press outreach and report creation. Worked closely with marketing teams to maintain validity of survey data but ensure company is getting the quality information they need.